If you were presented with an opportunity to do something out of the usual, would you do it? Would you move past your fear and inhibitions and move toward that things that scares you, overwhelms you, occupies you?
I believe Mae West once said, "I only try things once, twice if I like it."
Yesterday presented some new experiences for me. What is amazing to me is how loving and caring something that you thought would not interest you can be. How much I can move myself beyond my fear and reach for my heart’s desire, or whatever my heart wants in the moment.
Life moves pretty quickly. I have taken all sorts of risks, all sorts of departures from the normal, safe road. I have been mostly richly rewarded and only sometimes, bitterly disappointed.
It is a weird feeling to stand on the middle path not moving away from something that you desire but scares you, but also not taking concrete action to move toward it. How wild it is to just let something unfold without prejudging it all.
What is most interesting to me is my opinion of myself. For myself, about myself. I care most about how I feel and I marvel about when this changed...when did I become the center of my life? When did I give myself permission to be happy and content and to do what I need or want?
I am not sure but the last twelve months has showed me that I am clearly at the epicenter of my life. Finally.
My wish for you is that you dare to totally and completely inhabit your own life...finally.