I had a friend try to take her life last night. I love this person like a sister. She is my friend and soul sister. I am deeply concerned about her. She is now getting help and I am praying for her. And I will be there for her, whatever she may need.
I have a lot more to say about this but honestly I am tapped out. I am tired and emotional and scared and drained. I need to be quiet today and just try to be of service to my friend and her family in this most excruciating time. More NRT tomorrow...today I just need to stay in the moment and see what I can do to be of service.
That is what I have today. Surrender to the chaos. Surrender to the fact that I am not in control of anything but my attitude. And sometimes not even that. I can’t cure it, control it or fix it. I can just show up and love and surrender and trust that everything in this world is happening for reasons that may forever be a mystery to me. Please pray for her and her family. Thank you.
Namaste, still.
