Seems easy.
Who wouldn’t?
Why not?
But do we only love life when it goes our way?
Is our love of our lives dependent upon us getting what we want?
How is it that we are willing to accept such a limited view?
Today, I am going to love my life no matter what it brings because I know that there is no joy without sorrow, no love without sacrifice, no pleasure without pain. It is just the way it is.
Each day I am given this whole new day to enjoy, relish and spend, right now, almost in anyway I choose. I am limited currently, but there are always limits in life. I think our work is finding new solutions to the limitations, now is no different than before. We each have our own struggles, strife and hardships. But for me, they have always been my pathway to peace.
The hardship is where I get the lesson in how to find the peace.
Seems like my best use of this time, this hard reset, is to spend every moment I can loving my life. Really loving it and all its related issues, problems, joys, sorrows, ups, and downs.
When I can do that I can see that all is well even though I might prefer things to be different.
This tumultuous time is giving me an opportunity to see all of the very hard work I have done over the past 25 years pay off. I can see where I have grown, changed and thrived. I can see that regardless of the external world, I am truly happy inside myself. My life long battle of hating me, seemingly coming to a more permanent cease fire. Today, I love my life because of who I have grown to be. I love the circumstances in my life even though I might prefer them to be different. I love life. I cherish it. I am grateful for it. To think that 25 years ago today my two choices were to die or get sober, and I spent a very long time agonizing over that decision, seems ridiculous to me now.
So if the world’s situation has you re-evaluating everything, good. My solemn prayer for you is that you chose to live. Chose to love. Chose to love this life you have right now. Namaste.
That pretty much says it all!