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In my effort to live authentically, I have to let you see me. This blog is my attempt to claim myself - by sharing me with you so that you may use what I have learned to move closer to yourself...Namaste.
My aim is to put down on paper what I see and what I feel in the best and simplest way.
Ernest Hemingway

My truth...
I believe I have spent my life hiding and then being saddened by not being seen. I set myself up for feeling small and then blame you. However, recently, I have been given the courage to live more honestly. I have a new openness to show you my whole self; my personality, my sense of humor, and most importantly, my heart. It is a willingness to do that that brought me to start Naked Random Thoughts...
I have no idea what I am doing and no clue whether you will find anything I have to say interesting, insightful or helpful. I do hope that at least one person finds something comforting in my words but the point of this whole deal is for me to be honest in how I am living. To be accountable to myself and in turn, you.
This isn't completely altruistic - I also want to heal. I want to stop being afraid to own my life. My most sincere hope is that the life that I have lived and what I have learned from that life just might make a difference to someone who is suffering similarly.
May we each learn from each other and may kindness, love and authenticity prevail.